Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why we have a new house?

You all may ask, why we will have a new house.

This is because our papa and mama is going to London, UK for a conference and vacation for 9 days, and left us at Kuching. So, we will be staying with my grandmama and grandpapa. We will have a new "house", so that we grandpapa and grandmama can take care of us easier.

I still remember how Oreo when he stayed at grandpapa and grandmama house for the first time. He barked for the all night causes can not see grandpapa and grandmama. At the end, my uncle come to down stair and sleep besides him. My uncle slept at sofa, and oreo slept juz besides him, at a touching distance. That how my " oreo brother" was. We are sometime been called " royal dog" by grandmama.

My papa say, he would rather be his own dog than be himself, coz be a dog has no worry. And he have to work hard and study a lot. Maybe that part of human's life. He is also a life time member of Society of Prevention Cruelity to Animal (SPCA). Days ago, there is a program at malaysia radio, by 翠玲, namely 翠玲架势广场. 翠玲 stated that she is actually a "kuli" for her 7 dogs. ( Noted that kuli means servent). Also, some people may have listened to a song by ELLA ( from S.H.E)'s song. She wrote a song to remember her dog, " qiang qiang". (

Is it true that be a dog can be better than be a human?


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